Hey it’s 4th annual sob party. So by now you may be wondering, “what does sob stand for”? Sobriety On the Beach.
I remember the music being great, Jonesy really nailed it this year. Al made turns, which was unusual as he had pretty much given up skiing. My boy took his first run, albeit with an assist from Daddy. I really got off on taking him on my skis.
Stephanie was there again, I miss her. I wonder what happened to her? I hope she’s well. This was Janice’s party, she used to come with JC each year. RIP, Janice. Huffman was dominant helping. I’m not sure we’ve could made it this far without him, he was and is key. This was the 1st year that Eric the dirtbag showed up. Eric is cool, but he’s a scrounge.
It was really warm all day, everyone loved it.
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