People. You wanna be healthy? Help your neighbor? Save the plant? Be free? Get laid more?
Eat this way.
Eating this way is telling the Man to shove it. You’re making yourself, your children, any so many others healthy. You’re helping the planet. You’re protecting our democracy, the constitution and our freedoms.
Buying processed food, fast food, is bullshit. You’re handing control of our food supply over to the Man. You’re hurting yourself, your children, everyone around you, and you’re helping to destroy Mother Earth. Why the fuck would you do that? If the terrorists we’re doing this we’d declare war.
Thanks to years of your trying to get me to do this, I’m 7 days in to only Fresh Fruits, Fresh veggies and some nuts. Its not only easy, I’m feeling great and feel very connected and committed to following your lead. Thanks for the years of advice Paul.
I am jumping up and down, happy.
There’s more.
You’re going to have to get used some suffering. Your body is going to kick back, hard. But this too, shall pass.
Because “it may be raining, but there’s a rainbow above you”.
Just take it one day at a time. If you’ll stick to this, I promise, you’ll see the world differently.
I don’t know how long it’ll take. Remember that your body has become used to dying, for years now. But now, you’re reversing the course. So it’ll fight back. But eventually, your body will learn a new way. It’ll have a new memory. Then, it’ll fight you when you want to go through the drive up to order food.
Just hang in there. Once you get over the hill to the sun, the sun will never stop shining. I promise you.
I love you.
You know my story. I’ve done so many drugs – and that’s just the one’s I can remember. I used to drink all day, every day. I smoked so much freaking ganga.
But then I stopped. April 16 2007 was day 1. I been clean since.
It was and some days still is, hard. But one big reason why I stay clean is that it’s better. Being clean is the best freaking buzz I’ve ever had. If drugs and booze was better, I’d go back. But they’re not. Living clean is so freaking great. I freaking love it.
It’s the same with food. If eating the old way was better, I’d go back. But it’s not. The food we eat tastes better — by far. I have a connection now, to food. And then there’s everything else I get living this way — sex is better, living is better, my mind is better. Everything, and that means everything, is better.
I think my experience will be yours. But you can’t get there unless you get there. You got to fight through the tough days. You got to fight for yourself. You can do this man, I know you can. Look at everything else you’ve accomplished in life. You just got to put your mind to it and don’t let anything get in your way.
You’re turning me on. Thanks for the buzz!